El dia de las putas

Halloween passed and of course I took the chance to dress up in what I would wear everyday
if it wasn’t for people throwing piss at me. Instead of going as a slutty-whorish cliché, cause we all know girls that day the least they do is dress up, exposing there “carnes” to the horny men that night . I went for a different take on the day. OK, so the theme picked for this year was really “ANYTHING IN MY CLOSET” due to my no income status. I had a loooooooong white plastic chain that it served the purpose as a necklace, from Home Depot but unfortunately it was confiscated by the party people cause they said I could choke someone to death. I replaced them with some pins I always keep in my bum bag, fanny pack. I made my hair into a ponytail and wore a tux bow.

The dress is a simple 60’s dress and the metallic fabric was to make it
more up to date. I still don’t know how to work a sewing machine, so I looked for someone to make it for me. Under the dress i have ANOTHER bubble dress which is silver to follow the color of the leggings. The Sneakers are my awesome dunks that make a splashing neon ending. The inspiration came from runway shows from designers like Berhard Willhem and keeping the Clubkids in mind at all times.

Translation= “carnes” meat refering to the body.| “el dia de las putas” whore ish day

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